
Editorial Board Member

Dr. Alina Zorina Stroe

Editor in Chief

Andrei Constanta County
Emergency Hospital
Ovidius Univerisity

Specialization: General Medicine

Address: General medicine, Sf Ap Andrei Constanta County Emergency Hospital Ovidius University Constanta, Zip Code: 900500, Romania.

Email: [email protected], Contact: (+40) 727987950

Institutional Profile Link: https://www.univ-ovidius.ro/arhiva-posturi-pe-periodata-determinata#semestrul-i-an-universitar-2021-2022


I am Dr. Stroe Alina Zorina, a neurology doctor and psychologist. With a deep passion for understanding the complexities of the human brain and its impact on behavior and cognition, I have dedicated my academic and professional career to advancing the fields of neurology and psychology. During my studies, I became fascinated by the intricate workings of the brain and its connection to various neurological disorders. This curiosity led me to pursue a Master's degree in Psychology, further expanding my understanding of the mind-brain relationship. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively contributed to scientific research. I am proud to have authored and reviewed over 50 articles published in renowned scientific journals listed on the Web of Science, with a notable impact factor. My research focuses on exploring the neurological basis of mental health disorders, cognitive impairments, and the psychological consequences of neurological conditions. Through these studies, I aim to uncover the underlying mechanisms of these disorders, ultimately leading to improved diagnosis and treatment strategies. In addition to my research pursuits, I am deeply committed to providing comprehensive care to patients with neurological and psychological conditions. As a clinical practitioner, I combine my extensive knowledge in both neurology and psychology to offer holistic and effective treatment options. Education and mentorship are also integral parts of my professional journey. I take great pride in sharing my knowledge and expertise with aspiring medical students. Through my roles as a university personnel, I aim to inspire and guide the next generation of healthcare professionals to excel in their studies and make meaningful contributions to the field. am driven by a desire to further our understanding of the human brain and behavior, and to positively impact the lives of individuals affected by neurological and psychological disorders.