Journal of Dentistry and Dental Materials(JDDM) is
an Open-Access journal that publishes research work on all aspects of Dentistry
& Dental Materials i.e., Dental science. Journal provides the platform with
the aim of motivating the researchers, scholars, etc.
Journal encompasses a broad variety of aspects related to Dentistry,
Dental Materials, and Medical and Health Sciences at various phases of life.
Journal presents concise reviews of the latest clinical procedures and advice
relating to the diagnosis and treatment of dental conditions, including the use
of new techniques.
It also publishes topically selected special issues in research fields
of particular scientific interest. These consist of both invited reviews and
original research papers. All papers published in the journal are subjected to
thorough and strict peer-reviewing.
All the manuscripts under goes double blinded peer review Process. The
Journal aims to provide a platform for the publication of high-quality papers
on recent advances and new developments in all fields of Dentistry & Dental
Materials in all departments of medical studies in experimental and clinical
If you have any further queries please contact at: [email protected] or
WhatsApp: +44 7939 375587.