Editorial Board Member

Prof. Heidi AbouZeid

Executive Editor

Assistant professor Department of Clinical Pharmacy
New Valley University

Specialization: Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Research, Public Health, Pharmacy Education, Pharmacoepidemiology, Primary Health Care

Address: Egypt

Email: [email protected]

Institutional Profile Link: http://www.nvu.edu.eg/membercv.php?M_ID=7617


Heidi Abouzeid is an accomplished Assistant Professor in Clinical Pharmacy at New Valley University, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the field of clinical pharmacy and research. With a remarkable career spanning over 8 years, Heidi has made significant contributions to the advancement of clinical pharmacy practice.
Born and raised in Cairo, Egypt, Heidi Abouzeid embarked on an academic journey at an early age, driven by an insatiable curiosity and passion for healthcare. After completing a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy at Cairo University, she honed her skills through hands-on experience at Cairo University Hospital, gaining invaluable insights into the intricacies of clinical pharmacy practice.
Not content with just practical experience, Heidi harbored a deep desire for research. Her commitment to advancing the field led her to delve into clinical research and statistical analysis, where she made significant strides in understanding the nuances of healthcare outcomes.
One of the standout achievements in Heidi's career was her completion of the Clinical Scholar Research Training program at Harvard University, a testament to her dedication to academic excellence. This training equipped her with cutting-edge knowledge and methodologies in clinical Research , setting the stage for groundbreaking research endeavors.
Heidi Abouzeid pursued her academic journey further by obtaining a Master's degree at the National University of Pharmacy in Ukraine, where she expanded her horizons and embraced diverse perspectives in the field of Clinical pharmacy. Currently, Heidi is on the path to obtaining a Ph.D. at the School of Pharmacy, Southwest University, China, where her research pursuits promise to elevate the field of clinical pharmacy to new heights.
With a passion for both teaching and research, Heidi Abouzeid is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of clinical pharmacists while pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field. Her expertise, combined with an unwavering commitment to improving healthcare outcomes, makes her a sought-after mentor and researcher in the realm of clinical pharmacy.