Editorial Board Member

Dr. Binu Shrestha

Topic Editor

Former Assistant Professor, Trinity Medical Sciences University,USA

Specialization: Specialization: Physiology, Neuroscience, Cell and molecular biology, Medical Education

Address: Address: Memphis, TN, Zip code 38103, USA



Dr. Binu Shrestha (MBBS, MD) was born and raised in Nepal but currently resides in Memphis, Tennessee USA. She graduated from Medical School in 2006 from College of Medical Sciences Bharatpur, Chitwan, Nepal. She completed her residency in Basic and Clinical Physiology from BPKIHS, Dharan in 2013. She was Assistant professor in Department of Clinical Physiology at NAIHS (Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences) till October 2014. Since Nov 2014 She has been working as Assistant professor and Course Director of Neuroscience at Trinity Medical Sciences University. St. Vincent. She has attended IBRO Advance School of Neuroscience in 2014 and she has attended several national and international conferences for her research presentation. Her research work has been published in several journals. She is an editorial board member for peer reviewed journals, Active member of various Neuroscience societies and Organizations. She has been Organizing committee members for several scientific sessions, congress, workshop etc. Her research interest is basically focused on Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, electrophysiology and Medical Education. She has recently completed a Research Project on Prevalence of diabetic Neuropathy among Type II diabetic patients of St. Vincent in collaboration with the Ministry of Health under the Government of St. Vincent. She is currently Trainee at Harvard Medical School for training to Teach in Medicine and also working on research projects, Correlation between MNSI (Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument ) and NCT( Nerve Conduction Test) for early detection of Diabetic Neuropathy. Prevalence and severity of PMS/PMDD among Medical Students.