To avoid delays, author should follow the level, length, and format of the UR Forum Publishers Journals at every stage of the process, from manuscript submission to revision. Separate from the main text, submitted articles should include a 300-word summary/abstract. The summary should provide a concise account of the work by clearly stating the purpose of the study and the methodology used, as well as briefly highlighting major findings. A few short subheadings of no more than 40 characters each may be included in the text. The recommended length of articles is approximately 8,000 words (or between 6,000 and 10,000 words), excluding references, to ensure a rigorous approach without excess material. It will be possible to accept articles with a length of more than 10,000 words occasionally, if the topic warrants this length of material.
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Supplementary Information.
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Plagiarism is copying another person’s text or ideas and passing the copied material as your own work. You must both delineate (i.e., separate and identify) the copied text from your text and give credit to (i.e., cite the source) the source of the copied text to avoid accusations of plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered fraud and has potentially harsh consequences including loss of job, loss of reputation, and the assignation of reduced or failing grade in a course”. All manuscripts received towards URF journals are scanned for plagiarism. If potential plagiarism is detected, authors will be contacted for clarification. The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your paper using an internal citation.
Research articles are articles that are written based on empirical/secondary data collected using a clearly defined research methodology, with conclusions/s drawn from the data analysis. The data must be based on original research that contributes to the body of knowledge in all topic areas included in this journal- author's area of expertise. Articles should include a critical description or analysis of the data presented, as well as new and rapidly evolving areas of the field. Include an abstract of no more than 300 words, with 7 to 10 key words. The abstract should be divided into the following sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Research articles must follow a format that includes an introduction, a brief review of relevant literature, methodology used (to collect data), discussion, and references, tables, and figure legends.
Review articles are primarily based on secondary data that is relevant to the journal's theme. They are brief but critical discussions on a particular aspect of the subject at hand. Reviews typically begin with a problem statement, followed by a brief abstract of 300 words and a few key words. The introduction generally introduces the issue to the readers, followed by an analytical discussion with the use of necessary tables, graphs, pictures, and illustrations. It concludes by summarising the topic. All statements or observations in review articles must be supported by citations, with a complete reference provided at the end of the article.
Mini Review Articles are compact yet impactful summaries of existing literature, designed to provide readers with a snapshot of the latest advancements within a specific subject area. These articles offer a comprehensive overview of key concepts, methodologies, and findings, all presented in a condensed format that is perfect for busy professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts.
Commentaries are opinion articles written mostly by the veteran and experienced writers on a specific development, recent innovation or research findings that fall in line with the theme of the journal. They are very brief articles with the title and abstract that provides the gist of the topic to be discussed, with few key words. It straight away states the problems and provides a thorough analysis with the help of the illustrations, graphs and tables if necessary. It summarizes the topic with a brief conclusion, citing the references at the end.
Letters to the editor should be limited to commentaries on previously published articles, with specific references to issues and causes related to it. Reports of cases or research findings should be concise, comprehensive, and brief. It does not adhere to any format, such as an abstract, subheadings, or acknowledgments. It is more of a reader response or opinion on a specific article published, and it should reach the editor within 6 months of the article's publication. Acknowledgement: This section includes mentions of people, grant details, funds, and so on.
Editorials are submitted exclusively by the host editor(s) of a journal (JAIMLD) research topic, to convey to the reader the aims and objectives of the research that pertains to the topic, as well as placing it in a broader context. The Editorial should present the contributing articles of the research topic but should not be a mere table of contents. As the final contributing article to the research topic, Editorials should be submitted once all expected articles have been accepted and published. Editorials should not include unpublished or original data and the inclusion of references is strongly encouraged. Editorial articles may contain 1 Figure and have a word count of 1,000 for topics with 4-9 articles. The word limit can be increased for each additional article in the Topic, up to a maximum of 5,000 words for 40 articles or more. Editors and topic editors are not required to pay a fee to publish an Editorial article. Submissions are required to have the title Editorial: "Title of Research Topic".
Technology and Code articles present new technology, code and/or software or a new application of a known technology or software. This article type aims to open new avenues for theoretical and experimental investigation, data analysis or data reduction within the field of study. Technology and Code articles can also feature studies that implement existing algorithms under novel settings.The following information must also be included: project link (e.g., sourceforge, github), operating system (e.g., Windows, Linux, platform independent), programming language (e.g., Python), any restrictions for non-academic use (e.g., licence needed).
The research notes section of the journal will provide a forum for short communications that cannot fit within the other paper categories. The maximum length should not exceed 4500 words. Some examples of suitable Research Notes include, but are not limited to the following: crisp and highly focused technical research aimed at other specialists; a detailed exposition of a relevant theorem or an experimental result; an erratum note that addresses and revises earlier results appearing in the journal; an extension or addendum to an earlier published paper that presents additional experimental or theoretical results.
Data papers of high quality, accompanied by adequate text material to illustrate the datasets and their usage in the form of a regular manuscript. In addition, survey articles and discussion papers on AI, machine learning and data science are welcome.
A survey paper is a specialized type of article that offers a comprehensive and systematic overview of a specific topic within the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data science. Survey papers in JAIMLD provide readers with a deep understanding of the current state, advancements, methodologies, trends, and challenges in the chosen subject area.
a Case Study article is a type of scholarly contribution that provides an in-depth examination of a real-world scenario, problem, or application within the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data science. Case Study articles in JAIMLD focus on applying AI, ML, and data science techniques to practical situations, illustrating how theoretical concepts are put into action and demonstrating their impact.
The information to be included in these sections can be found below.
If any of the sections do not pertain to your manuscript, please indicate this with a heading and the word 'Not applicable'.
Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. All personal communications should be supported by a letter from the relevant author.
URF Publishers follows AMA (American Medical Association) styling for citations. Items are listed numerically in the order they are cited in the text. Use commas to separate multiple citation numbers in text. Superscript numbers 1 to mark citations in the text are placed outside periods and commas, and inside colons and semicolons. When citing the same source more than once, give the number of the original reference, where the information was found.
1. Smith LA, O’Flanagan CH, Bowers LW, Allott EH, Hursting SD. Translating Mechanism-Based Strategies to Break the Obesity-Cancer Link: A Narrative Review. J Acad Nutr Diet 2018;118(2): 652-667.
2. Yazigi JA Jr, Anauate Nicolao F, Archetti Netto N. Magnetic resonance imaging reproducibility for rotator cuff partial tears in patients up to 60 years. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019;20:383-8
3. Moore Y, Shotton E, Brown R, Gremmel J, Lindsey S, Pankey J. Effects of incentive spirometry on perceived dyspnea in patients hospitalized with pneumonia. Medsurg Nursing. 2018;27(1):19-23
4. Laver KE, Adey‐Wakeling Z, Crotty M, Lannin NA, George S, Sherrington C. Telerehabilitation services for stroke. Cochrane Database of Syst Rev. 2020;(1):CD010255.
Note: For more than six, provide the names of the first three authors and then add et al.,
Authors are encouraged to follow official APA 7th edition guidelines on the number of authors included in reference list entries (i.e., include all authors up to 20; for larger groups, give the first 19 names followed by an ellipsis and the final author’s name). However, if authors shorten the author group by using et al., this will be retained.
Author must ensure that each reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Kindly remember that there should be no citation in the abstract. Moreover, unpublished manuscripts or results should not be cited in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. Citation of a reference as in press implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
Example:Posterior urethral valve (PUV) is the most common cause of congenital lower urinary tract obstruction in male children.1 While primary endoscopic fulguration is the mainstay treatment for PUV, it may not always be feasible, particularly in severe cases.1,3 This study aimed to investigate whether the initial surgical treatment (primary endoscopic fulguration (PEF) versus primary vesicostomy (PVS)) affects the outcome of PUV, using clinical, biological, radiological, and urodynamic parameters to assess the efficacy of each approach.4-7 Note: (In-Text Citations) - Use commas to show that more than one work is being cited, and use hyphens for several works that would be numbered sequentially
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