Structural materials are those used primarily for their mechanical properties. Our research involves the main classes of materials: metals, ceramics, polymers and composites, as well as sustainable construction materials. Polymers and Composites. ... Mechanical Properties of Glass.
This area has a key role in underpinning the regenerative medicine agenda; the Advanced Materials Leadership Council (AMLC) recognizes the need to develop novel materials for healthcare. Researchers focusing on emerging challenges associated with Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, such as: generation of curative and customized biomaterials, personalized therapy and stratified medicine; biocompatibility in medical devices and bioelectronics, antimicrobial resistance, and manufacturing / scale-up of cell therapies.
Energy Materials covers current research on materials for energy (all aspects of thermal, renewable and nuclear power generation) and the transmission and storage of the energy produced. It describes how advanced materials make possible efficient energy harvesting, energy transformation and energy storage.
Areas to be covered in this Research Topic may include, but not limited to: Biomass Conversion. Photovoltaic Technology Conversion. Solar Thermal Applications. Wind Energy Technology. Desalination. Solar and Low Energy Architecture. Climatology and Meteorology. Geothermal Technology.
Areas to be covered in this Research Topic may include, but not limited to: Carbon based nanocatalysts: Nanofullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Nanocatalysis – development of new nanocatalysts and applications thereof. Nanoscience chemistry of metal catalyst materials Chemistry of Nanoenergy materials NanoChips (semiconductor designing and development using new materials chemistry) Nanocatalysts/nanomaterials for Nanobattery and nanofuel cells Inorganic Chemistry development in nanoparticle catalysts and applications thereof like gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, iron and magnetic nanoparticles, quantum dots, and other metal /alloy nanoparticles. Nanocatalysts for biotechnology and Nanomedicine – Chemistry of Drug delivery systems BioNanocatalysts: Chemistry and Biology of Biocatalysts NanoEnzymes Chemistry All other subfields of Nanocatalysts development and application
Functional Materials deals with the development of materials that possess native properties and functions, such as ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, magnetism and energy storage. Functional materials are found across all classes of materials, including ceramics, metals, polymers and organic molecules; they are typically used in electromagnetic applications and in materials for energy applications, such as electro- and magneto- caloric materials for energy storage or solar harvesting functions. Smart materials are designed materials that have one or more properties that sense and react to environmental conditions or external stimuli such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, or magnetic signals. Smart materials are used in aerospace, textiles, and construction.
From atomic devices and nanomaterials to polymers and expanded solids, science is making a universe of new materials as sensors, molecular transporters, filters, artificial scaffolds and electron conducting or light emitting, with the potential for wide scientifically and societal effect. Materials chemistry includes the design and blend of materials with intriguing or conceivably helpful physical qualities, for example, optical, magnetic, structural or catalytic properties. Nano indentation has turned into a typical device for the estimation of mechanical properties at smaller scale yet may have significantly more prominent significance as a method for test investigations of materials physics.
Material Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology and Nanoscience; Polymer Science and Technology; Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Biomedical Devices and Biomedical Engineering; Ceramic Coatings and Composite Materials; Optics and Photonics; Optics and Photonics; Smart and Emerging Material
The fundamentals of polymerization, polymer characteristics, rheology and morphology, as well as the composition, technology, testing and evaluation of various plastics, rubbers, fibres, adhesives, coatings and composites are involved in Polymer Science.
Surface Science is the study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases, including solid–liquid interfaces, solid–gas interfaces, solid–vacuum interfaces, and liquid–gas interfaces. It also includes the fields of surface chemistry and surface physics. Surface Engineering utilizes vast variety of strategies, yet it is the Ion based and Plasma Surface Engineering methods which are attracting the major International interests. Those strategies offer the most encouraging techniques for enhancing surface quality to better control the structure and increment the reproducibility of coatings by exact process control. This is vital, for instance, in providing properties to withstand complex stacking conditions in the corrosive environments.
With the innovative advancements in materials mining, engineering and processing, the present coating materials market may contain a huge number of various selections of materials. A noteworthy thought for most coating processes is that the coating is to be connected at a controlled thickness, and various distinctive procedures are being used to accomplish this control, extending from a basic brush for painting a wall, to some exceptionally costly electronics applying coatings in the electronics business. Most composites are made by taking one material (the lattice) and having it surrounds filaments or sections of a stronger material (the support). Engineers have numerous options amid the manufacturing procedure to figure out what the properties of the subsequent composite will be. Present day aeronautics has been the essential driver for composite materials, as it has greater demand for materials that are both light and strong. With the advancement of innovation, ceramics materials are presently being produced in a research center under the watchful eye of a researcher. Ceramic materials are utilized as a part of electronics based on their composition, they might be semiconducting, superconducting, ferroelectric, or an insulator.
Areas to be covered in this Research Topic may include, but not limited to. Energy Conversion Technologies Biosensing, Biophotonics and Bioelectronics Quantum Devices and Information Processing Photonics in Computing, Communications and Information Processing RF and THz Photonics Non-Traditional Imaging and Displays.
Two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials are composed of thin layers that may have a thickness of at least one atomic layer. Contrary to bulk materials, these nanomaterials have a high aspect ratio (surface-area-to-volume ratio) and therefore have many atoms on their surface. In two-dimensional nanomaterials (2D), two dimensions are outside the nanoscale and one dimension is only a single or few atomic layers thick. This class exhibits plate-like shapes and includes graphene and other monolayer materials such as MXenes, black phosphorous phosphorene), and diatomic hexagonal boron nitride.
Nanotechnology is the study and application of things that are extremely small and can be used across all the fields of science, such as surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, micro fabrication, etc. In recent years, materials science is becoming more widely known as a specific field of science and engineering. Nanotechnology gathers Nano robots, materials science, Nano sensors, Micro technology, Forensic engineering, chemical engineering, biology, biological engineering, and electrical engineering. Nanotechnology also includes the discovery, characterization, properties, and end-use of nanoscale materials. The future is with nanoparticles this is only possible only through Nanotechnology, which can be smarter and efficient.
Areas to be covered in this Research Topic may include, but not limited to: • Synthesis of magneto-responsive materials • Characterization and modelling of the complex physical behaviors • Understanding of the complex behavior using novel methods • Design of innovative devices using magneto-responsive materials • Proposals and analysis of the new engineering applications • Trial and implementation of such materials
Areas to be covered in this Research Topic may include, but not limited to: Batteries and Energy Storage. ... Corrosion Science and Technology. ... Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition. ... Electrochemical Engineering. ... Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion. ... Organic and Bio electrochemistry. ... Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photo electrochemistry. Sensors (Electrochemical) Solid State - Carbon Nanostructures and Devices Dielectric Science and Materials Electronic Materials and Processing Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing Sensors (Solid State)
Areas to be covered in this Research Topic may include, but not limited to: Biophotonics Fiber and Integrated Photonics and Lasers Nanophotonics Nonlinear Optics and MEMS Optoelectronics Quantum Optics and Information Ultrafast Optics
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene are allotropes of carbon which have fascinating electrical, mechanical and other physical properties. Graphene is a two-dimensional material, on a very basic level of a single layer graphite, with carbon particles arranged in a hexagonal, honeycomb framework. Carbon nanotubes are barrel shaped and empty structures, essentially, a sheet of graphene folded into a chamber. The time when they are rolled (their "chirality"), and their separation over, impact their properties. CNTs can be single-walled (SWCNTs or SWNTs) or it can be multi-walled (MWCNTs or MWNTs) Chemical modification Multi-walled CNTs Single-walled CNTs Extreme carbon nanotubes single-walled CNTs
Graphene's comparability with various biomedical applications, like drug delivery, cancer therapies and biosensing, is broadly and vigorously asked about. The material's extraordinary properties, like an enormous surface region, incredible biocompatibility and chemical stability, think of it that it deserving of intensive examination and high expectations. Artificial inserts are therapeutic staple and graphene could accept a noteworthy activity later on of these contraptions. Graphene's biocompatibility, joined with its mechanical quality, is significant for various composite bio-materials and its electrical conductivity can be used for organs that require such attributes, like nerve tissues and spinal parts. Bio-sensing is a creating field, with various restorative applications that ring a bell. Various streets are researched hence, with graphene exhibiting remarkable execution in distinguishing sustenance harms, characteristic tainting, specific germs and microorganisms. Bionanotech Applications of graphene Graphene as Excellent Material for Brain Interfaces Graphene Expected to Revolutionize Neurosurgery Drug delivery
Graphene is at the focal point of a consistently developing examination exertion because of its remarkable properties, intriguing for both principal science and applications. A key necessity for applications is the improvement of modern scale, dependable, cheap creation forms. Graphene is only the first of another class of two dimensional materials, got from layered bulk crystals. The greater part of the methodologies utilized for graphene can be reached out to these crystals, quickening their excursion towards applications. As the quantity of business uses of graphene and other 2D materials continues extending, creating and conveying two-dimensional materials of high gauge is quick turning into a critical challenge. Starting late, there have been various frameworks made to incorporate graphene, going past the 'Scotch tape' method upheld by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov. Micromechanical cleavage Chemical vapour deposition(CVD) Molecular Beam epitaxy Photoexfoliation