URF Publishers | Journals

Conference proceedings

A conference proceeding is the published record of an academic meeting such as a conference, workshop, congress, symposium, or other professional meeting hosted by an academic or research organization. Usually, proceedings include full-length papers presented at an academic meeting or conference. The papers presented at an academic meeting go by a variety of names, like papers, abstracts, extended abstracts, poster abstracts, manuscripts, presentations, etc. The collection, which includes only abstract or extended abstract of papers presented by the participants known as Abstract book. If the publications are filled with full-length papers, they are considered proceedings, or conference proceedings. Conference proceedings show the leading edge of research by revealing emerging trends and new ideas before they appear in journals. Conferences and other professional meetings have their own impact by allowing other researchers to be involved and influence the direction of research at the early stages.

Conference proceedings typically contain the contributions made by researchers at the conference or other professional meetings. They are the written record of the work that is presented by fellow researchers which are usually distributed in electronic or/and printed volumes, either before the conference opens or after it has closed. Since the collection of papers comes from individual researchers, the character of proceedings is distinctly different from an educational textbook. Mostly there is no general argument connecting one contribution to the next paper. Each paper typically is quite isolated from the other papers in the proceedings. Most of the papers presented at conferences are working papers to present new concepts and techniques in a field that is not fully developed. Hence, conference proceedings enable other researchers to be involved and influence the direction of research at the early stages.

Conference proceedings are a way to engage with leading-edge research prior to scholarly journal publication. They may include findings, innovations, best practices, or new methodology. young researchers may find conference proceedings very helpful in connecting with research trends, researchers, and institutions doing research on a particular topic of interest. Proceedings allow researchers to disseminate new concepts and techniques in a field that are not fully developed in a less formal setting than peer-reviewed journals.

Get published as an edited volume with ISBN & DOI in URF Proceedings. Each full-length paper will also get assigned a separate DOI. All full-length articles selected through a formal peer-review process can be included.

Conference Publications

Conference Publications refers to the type of publications that can be published in relation to the academic conference, symposium, research seminar, academic workshop, academic congress, or any other academic meetings. URF is a growing internationally trusted conference content publisher. We publish conference papers & abstracts with Open Access for free and wider dissemination. Academic conference organizers are invited to publish their conference contents with URF.

Conference Special Issue

Get published in one of our journals (based on scope and conference theme). Only those papers which get selected through a rigorous peer-review process can be included. We will require reviewing reports as well as the reviewer’s detail for each article. Final inclusion in the special issue will depend on its scientific quality. Conference special issue publication requires a fee of $49 per article.

Conference Abstract Book

Conference book of abstracts gets published as a book with ISBN & DOI which can include an abstract or extended abstract of all presented papers. A fixed nominal amount ($249 ) for the complete abstract book will be applicable

Abstract Book

Abstract book of a conference or workshop may include abstracts (or extended abstract) of all accepted papers, poster presentations, oral communication, workshop, etc. Conference organizer can publish abstracts of their meetings with ISBN and DOI. URF invites conference organizers to submit a proposal for publishing their abstract as a book with following features

Besides included in the Abstract book, each abstract will also be available separately.

Free unrestricted worldwide access to all abstracts.

Conference organizers retain full editorial control.

Low publication cost of Abstract Book with ISBN.

Abstracts are not considered as pre-publication and hence author(s) are free to publish full paper in any scholarly journal.

Publishing Conference Abstract Book

Conference abstract book gets published with an associated ISBN & DOI. Publishing abstracts with ISBN and trusted publishers for the conference is very useful to keep the conference record, disseminate globally, and distribute to the participant in a convenient and efficient way. Abstract book of the conference can contain abstract or extended abstract in accordance with the following abstract structure. All contents of the abstract book should be in the English language only.

Abstract Book Proposal

Kindly submit the following proposal for abstract book publication of your conference or professional meetings. We will happy to evaluate and send the possibility of publication within 7 working days.

Abstract Structure

Paper’s title, author(s) name, their affiliations, and keywords should be included appropriately. The abstract should have at least 300 words. Adding a graphical abstract is preferred. We encourage author(s) to write an informative abstract by focusing on its background, objective, methodology, key results, conclusion and recommendation. Refer to writing an effective abstract. Each abstract should start on a new page.

Abstract Book Publishing Fee

A conference organized by a learned society can publish their abstract by paying a nominal fee of $249 for one complete book.

How to Publish Conference Abstract Book?

The conference organizer should read the information available on this page and submit the abstract book proposal by clicking here. After reviewing the conference detail if we agree to publish, a payment link and instruction will be sent to the organizer. After successful payment of the fee, the conference organizer may use our name/logo as their abstracts publishing partner. The organizer should collect and send us the complete content of the abstract book in a single editable word file format. Each abstract should start on a new page. We will copyedit and publish with ISBN and DOI as Abstract Book within 3 weeks.

Hard copies of the Abstract Book

Hard copy (having separate ISBN) is available with print on demand option by paying the additional printing cost. Printing will require 1-week additional time and delivery may take 3-10 days depending on the location.

Note: We also publish proceedings and special issue of the conference/workshop/symposium.

Revision of conference proceedings manuscripts for journal submission

URF publication policy permits manuscripts based partly or entirely on scientific content previously reported in URF proceedings to be submitted to URF journals. In most cases, it is anticipated that the journal submission will represent a substantively expanded, refined, or otherwise revised manuscript relative to the related proceedings paper to fully satisfy the standards of significance, originality, and presentation quality that may result in acceptance through the journal peer review process. A manuscript submitted to an URF journal that incorporates minimal or no revisions over a prior or concurrent URF proceedings paper may be considered for publication in an URF journal and admitted into the peer-review process provided the submission fulfills the requirements of significance, originality, and completeness expected in a journal submission. URF does not consider publication of an accepted journal article based on a prior proceedings paper to constitute double publication.


If a manuscript (or portion of a manuscript) was previously published in a conference proceedings or is under consideration for publication in a conference proceedings, this information must be disclosed when the manuscript is initially submitted to an URF journal. Authors should also reference or acknowledge the prior proceedings paper within the submitted journal article.


URF copyright policy permits authors to submit derivations of their proceedings papers to their journal of choice. Submissions to URF journals are permissible provided the other expectations described herein are satisfied. Authors submitting to journals published by other publishers should verify that publisher's copyright and submission policies. Authors wishing to submit papers that were presented at or published in a conference proceedings sponsored by organizations other than URF are responsible for adhering to the copyright policies related to that presentation or publication and are expected to disclose the prior presentation or publication history of the submission.