URF Publishers | Journals


We welcome research articles, reviews, abstracts, addendums, announcements, article-commentaries, book reviews, rapid communications, letters to the editor, annual meeting abstracts, conference proceedings, calendars, case-reports, corrections, discussions, meeting-reports, news, obituaries, orations, product reviews, hypotheses, and analyses.

Author guidelines

UR Forum publishes peer-reviewed journals of the highest quality in all scientific disciplines.

This is part of our mission in terms of disseminating, discovering, and preserving scientific discoveries and ideas. We provide first-rate author service, high production values, and global distribution in well-read and highly cited journals. We provide a variety of services, such as rapid publication, rigorous peer review, international recognition, and the option of open access publication. We welcome high-quality scientific submissions from anywhere in the world. Whichever journal you choose, we want it to be as rewarding and simple for you as possible.

This page will walk you through the process of preparing your article for submission to any of our journals.

It is important to note that length restrictions, article types, and other journal-specific information can be found on the ‘Author information' page of each journal's website.

Please consider equity, diversity, and inclusion when deciding on authorship and other contributors.

You may recommend suitably qualified reviewers, particularly from underrepresented groups (such as women, ethnic minority scientists, scientists with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups), early career researchers, and researchers from all over the world. We may, however, choose to use other reviewers.

Article Preparation Guidelines

Authors must submit an electronic covering letter that describes the type of manuscript they are submitting in detail (e.g, Research article, Review articles, Brief Reports, Case study etc.). Authors are not permitted to categorise their manuscripts as Editorials, Letters to the Editor, or concise communications unless specifically invited. Confirm that each author listed meets the UR Forum Publishers' uniform authorship criteria.

Please make certain that the article submitted for review/publication is not currently under consideration by another publication. Mention any commercial support or benefits received in connection with the work described in the manuscript, as well as any other financial interests that any of the authors may have that could create a potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest with regard to the work. The tile page must include the title of the article as well as the complete author/s information (professional / institutional affiliation, educational qualifications, and contact information). The address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be included on the first page of the manuscript, and authors must address any conflict of interest with others once the article is published.

All sheets, including references, tables, and figure legends, should be numbered sequentially. The title page is on the first page. The running head (short title for the top of each page), title (which cannot include any acronyms), names of the authors and their academic degrees, grants or other financial supporters of the study, address for correspondence and reprint requests, and corresponding author's telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address should all be typed on the first page.

Guidelines for Research Articles

Research articles are articles written based on empirical/secondary data collected using a clearly defined research methodology, with conclusions/s drawn from data analysis. The information must be based on original research that adds to the body of knowledge in Neuropsychiatry. Articles should include a critical description or analysis of the data presented, as well as new and rapidly evolving areas of the field. Include an abstract of no more than 300 words, with 7 to 10 key words. The following sections should be included in the abstract: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. An introduction, a brief review of relevant literature, methodology used (to collect data), discussion, and References, Tables, and Figure Legends must all be included in research articles.

Review Articles

Review articles rely heavily on secondary data that is pertinent to the journal's theme. They are brief but critical discussions on a specific aspect of the topic at hand. Typically, reviews begin with a problem statement, followed by a 300-word abstract and a few key words. The introduction generally introduces the issue to the readers, followed by an analytical discussion with the use of tables, graphs, pictures, and illustrations as needed. It wraps up by summarising the topic. All statements or observations in review articles must be backed up by citations, with a complete reference provided at the end.


Commentaries are opinion pieces written primarily by veteran and experienced writers on a specific development, recent innovation, or research findings that are relevant to the journal's theme. They are short articles with a title and an abstract that provide the gist of the topic to be discussed in a few key words. It states the problems clearly and provides a thorough analysis, using illustrations, graphs, and tables as needed. It summarises the topic and concludes briefly, citing the references at the end.

Case Study

Case studies are accepted with the intention of providing additional information related to the investigative research, and they should add value to the submitted main content/article by providing key insights into the core area. Case reports must be concise and follow a consistent format, such as a Cases and Methods section, a Discussion section that analyses the case, and a Conclusion section that summarises the entire case.

Letters to the Editor/Concise Communications

Letters to the editor should be limited to commentaries on previously published articles, with specific references to issues and causes related to it. Case reports or research findings should be concise, comprehensive, and brief. It does not follow any format, such as an abstract, subheadings, or acknowledgments. It is more of a reader response or opinion on a specific article published, and it should reach the editor within 6 months of the article's publication. Acknowledgement: This section includes mentions of people, grant details, funds, and so on.

Note: If an author fails to submit his/her work in accordance with the above instructions, they are encouraged to keep clear titles, such as headings, subheadings, and respective subtitles.


should not be cited. All personal communications must be accompanied by a letter from the authors. In referencing, the author(s) must use the most recent edition of the journal style.

Citations in the text

The author must make certain that every reference cited in the text is also included in the reference list (and vice versa). Please keep in mind that there should be no citations in the abstract. Unpublished manuscripts or results should not be cited in the reference list, but they may be mentioned in the text. When a reference is cited as ‘in press,' it means that the item has been accepted for publication.

Reference List

References should be arranged alphabetically first, then chronologically if necessary.

Proofs and Reprints

Electronic proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as a PDF file as an e-mail attachment. Page proofs are the final version of the manuscript. Except for typographical or minor clerical errors, the manuscript will not be changed during the proofing stage. The full text of the article will be made available to the authors electronically for free (HTML, PDF, and XML).

Review Process

Editors are in charge of overseeing and ensuring the fairness, timeliness, thoroughness, and civility of the editorial process. The Editor's timely recommendations to the respective journals for covering relevant and significant topics are critical for the growth of the journal. Editors are in charge of observing and ensuring the decency, practicality, painstaking quality, and affability of the friend survey article process. The Editor's practical proposal to the respective journals for covering relevant and significant points is critical for the journal's growth.

Malpractice and Misconduct

URF Publishers will investigate allegations of misconduct both before and after publication. Corrections or retractions will be published if necessary to maintain the integrity of the academic record. If there is any suspicion of wrongdoing, the URF Publishers Editorial Office should be contacted right away. We investigate allegations made on social media or other relevant websites as soon as we become aware of them.

Submission Instructions

Submission of an Article:

To avoid delays, authors should adhere to the UR Forum Publishers Journals' level, length, and format at all stages of the process, from manuscript submission to revision. Submissions should include a 300-word summary/abstract separate from the main text. The summary should provide a concise account of the work by clearly stating the purpose of the study and the methodology used, as well as highlighting key findings briefly. The text may include a few short subheadings of no more than 40 characters each.

Submissions should include the following sections.

Title page

Your article title should be a brief summary of the research you're reporting on. The best titles consider both human readers and search engines; including keywords in your title will help readers find your article online. Each author's full name and affiliation should also be included on the title page.


The abstract should be no more than 250 words long and should not include any references, abbreviations, or acronyms that are not explained. Your abstract should be brief and informative, and it should stand alone. The article's overall scope, as well as the main results and conclusions, should be summarised. Please also ensure that your abstract contains all likely search terms in order to assist indexers (such as PubMed) who only scan the title and abstract of articles. It is preferable if all of your keywords are included in the abstract.


Please include at least three and no more than six keywords. Avoid using overly broad or specialised terms that may be meaningless to the reader. Consider the words you would use to search for articles on the same topic online; these are often the best keywords. Keywords do not have to be single words; they can be short phrases or terms that are easily recognised by researchers in your field.

Main text

Your article's main text should be divided into clearly labelled sections. Background, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions are typical headings and subheadings, but feel free to use whatever headings and subheadings best suit your article. Abbreviations should be written out completely the first time they are used.

Methods section (if applicable)

The Methods section should be written as succinctly as possible while still including all elements required for interpretation and replication of the results. Please provide complete specifics about the materials used, such as reagents, animal models, or software. References to previously published methods or protocols are also acceptable.


Please credit anyone who contributed to the study but did not meet the criteria for authorship.


Please list each author's funding sources. Many funders insist on including this information. You will be asked to enter this information during the submission process as well, but please make sure to include it in the manuscript as well.

Figures and tables

All figures and tables should be numbered and referred to by their number in the text. Figure and table captions should be provided within the manuscript, and should be brief and informative, and include any relevant copyright information if taken from a published source.

Figures can be included in the manuscript or as separate files at the time of initial submission. Figures should be uploaded as separate files during revision. Figures and tables will be resized to fit the page, and text styles and labelling will be updated in accordance with our house style during production.

The following file formats are ideal:

TIFF, Adobe Photoshop, and JPEG are all examples of file formats.

PowerPoint, Excel, or Word, if the figure was created with one of these programmes.

Adobe Illustrator.

Postscript (PS, EPS, or PDF).

Colorful figures are encouraged. All figures will be published in colour online (the official version), but will be reproduced in black and white in any print versions of the journal by default. If you believe that print colour is required for any of your figures, please include the figure numbers when submitting your article. Please keep in mind that, due to the high cost of colour printing, the final decision on colour usage is made at the Editor's discretion.

When selecting colours for figures, authors are encouraged to consider the needs of colorblind readers. Many colorblind readers, for example, are unable to interpret visuals that rely on green and red discrimination. The use of colour-safe combinations, such as green and magenta, turquoise and red, yellow and blue or other accessible colour palettes is recommended.

Tables must be provided in an editable format at final submission.

Style and language

Submissions to URF journals are only accepted in English. The spelling should be in the style of British English. Abbreviations should be used only when absolutely necessary, and they should be defined the first time they are used. Throughout, SI units should be used.

Language editing services are recommended for authors who believe their manuscripts would benefit from professional editing before submission.

Formatting your article

We have implemented format-free initial submission for the majority of our journals in order to make manuscript submission as simple as possible for authors.

Authors can submit their manuscript in any format for the first time; however, we still encourage authors to read the manuscript preparation guidelines below and consider how easy a manuscript is to read for reviewers and editors.

Manuscripts must adhere to our length guidelines where applicable.

Once an article has been accepted for publication, the main manuscript must be submitted as an editable file rather than a PDF, along with the source files for any figures and tables. Please see our LaTeX guidelines below if you are submitting a LaTeX file.

Data, code and materials

It is a requirement for authors to make the primary data, materials (such as statistical tools, protocols, and software), and code publicly available. These must be provided at the time of submission for our Editors and reviewers' peer-review, and then made public upon acceptance. They will be asked to report on the availability of relevant data, code, or other digital materials, which must be provided either as supplementary material or hosted in an external repository with a link included in the Data Accessibility Section.

If you are unable to do so (for example, if your preferred repository only allows upload after manuscript submission), please contact the Editorial Office to discuss other options. Material may be submitted as supplementary files for review, then moved to an external repository during revision, but this must be finalised before resubmission because changes cannot be made after acceptance.

Authors are not required to submit raw data collected during an investigation if the industry standard is to share data that has been processed (e.g. CSV files recording response to stimuli rather than the electrical signals on which they were based). If processed data rather than raw data is supplied, this should be noted in the electronic submission form.

Please provide all code used to generate statistics and figures, as well as any (processed) data required as inputs, as well as information on what software is required (program and version). Analysis code (such as R scripts) and any previously unreported algorithms must be made available at the time of submission. Before submitting, any restrictions or reasons for prohibiting important code or algorithm sharing must be discussed with the Editors. The Editors reserve the right to return to authors papers that do not include data, code, or other digital materials that have not been reviewed.

At the very least, sufficient information and data must be provided to allow others to replicate all of the study findings reported in the article. Data and code should be stored in a way that allows for maximum reusability. As part of our open data policy, we require that data and code be hosted in a public, well-known repository, with an open licence clearly visible on the dataset's landing page. It is forbidden to use Google Drive, Dropbox, or other similar services.

All papers that report primary data must include a section describing how to obtain the article's supporting data, materials, and code.

If these were deposited in an external repository, this section should include the database, accession number, and any other pertinent information. Datasets must be listed in the reference section as well. Citing datasets and code ensures effective and robust dissemination as well as proper author credit.

If supporting data, materials or code have been included in the article’s supplementary material, this should be stated here, for example: The datasets supporting this article have been uploaded as part of the supplementary material.

Competing interests

If you have any competing interests to declare, please provide a statement. Competing interests are those that, through their potential influence on behaviour or content, or through perception of such potential influences, could undermine the objectivity, integrity, or perceived value of publication.

If you are unsure whether you have a competing interest, please seek advice from the relevant journal's editorial office.

Authors' contributions

Except for submissions with a single author, all submissions must include an Authors' Contributions section that lists each author's specific contribution. The authors on the list must meet the criteria outlined on our policy page. All contributors who do not meet all of these requirements should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section.

Figure permissions

Figures from other sources should be properly credited in the caption, and written permission for both print and electronic reproduction should be obtained before using them (where relevant). Please read our guidance document for more information.

If you publish an open access paper, the Creative Commons Attribution licence will apply to all components of the paper, including any third-party material used (e.g., figures).

To use any material in this manner, permission must be obtained, and copyright holders must be aware of the terms. This may have an impact on how the same material is used in other situations. If material cannot be included under the CC-BY licence then this must be identified within the text, e.g. by adding copyright information to the figure caption, or material must be identified to the Royal Society production team so that the relevant information can be added to the general copyright line for the paper. Please see the Creative Commons guidelines for more information.